Feel certain that God is with you in every situation...

Are you tired of trying to grow your faith with another bestsellers, podcast or resource? It wasn't meant to be this hard. BrilliantTV was designed to help you discover a new way of being with God that's delightful, meaningful, and easy.

BrilliantTV is overflow with teaching and courses, as well as prayer and sleep content - all with one purpose in mind; 

To teach you to remain absolutely confident in God's unique and never-ending love for you in every situation of your life.

Feel certain that God is with you in every situation...

BrilliantTV is overflowing with life-giving teaching and courses, as well as prayer and sleep content - all with one purpose in mind; To teach you to remain absolutely confident in God's unique and never-ending love for you in every situation of your life.

Are you tired of trying to grow your faith with another bestsellers, podcast or resource? It wasn't meant to be this hard. 

BrilliantTV was designed to help you discover a new way of being with God that's delightful, meaningful, and easy.

"Thank you hardly seems like enough"

"I am grateful beyond words, Brilliant TV is a major part of my life"

"Like a breathe of fresh air"

"Pulling me and advancing me through the wisdom and love of the Holy Spirit in nearly every area of my life. 

"One of the best decisions i've made"

"I recently became a lifetime member and am so happy...my spiritual growth has increased exponentially" 

"I can't say enough wonderful things"

"God has used BTV to widen and deepen my view, connection and relationships with Him."

"I recommend it to everyone"

"My perspective, mindset and language are being transformed each day. I now know in daily life what it means to enjoy walking in peace of God and overcoming with Goodness."

"Life Changing"

"I only planned to subscribe for a couple of months, but it has become a favorite place to to for wisdom, insight and encouragement"

Sleep brilliantly with crafted prayers and soaking tracks set to calming music. Discover the peace, joy and rest that comes from falling asleep to the words of The Father, Son & Holy Spirit. 

Now with full looping audio.

Available within BrilliantTV for every user.

With a library of Crafted Prayers & Soaking Sessions, you'll quickly realize that prayer as God intended it isn't a discipline: It's a delight. 

With a library of Crafted Prayers & Soaking Sessions, you'll quickly realize that prayer as God intended it isn't a discipline: It's a delight. 

Containing over 500 different videos, BrilliantTV is a library of Graham Cookes best original content. Taught all over the world, this content is designed with one aim in mind: To teach you to learn from God directly. 

Containing over 500 different videos, BrilliantTV is a library of Graham Cookes best original content. Taught all over the world, this content is designed with one aim in mind: To teach you learn from God directly. 

People ask us, won't that mean we don't use your app anymore? Yes, exactly. That's the point.

Discover your permanent placement in the heart of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit and watch how your world transforms around you. You'll begin to "Activate" the truth of the un-changing nature of God in every situation in your life. Say hello to peace as the reigning force in your heart.

Discover your permanent placement in the heart of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit and watch how your world transforms around you. You'll begin to "Activate" the truth of the un-changing nature of God in every situation in your life. 

BrilliantTV is an app by Graham Cooke designed to lead you to the Father, Son & Holy Spirit daily.  Join over 10,000 BTV members in the last decade who have said goodbye to a stressful, frustrating way of trying to be with God... and said hello to the delight and freedom that comes from knowing what He's really like.
Inside, you'll discover over 500 videos, 4 different learning pathways and countless prayers and activations... all crafted for you to discover God's relentless, passion delight over you.
We've built BrilliantTV with every walk with God in mind. Whether you've just met Jesus, or have walked with God for decades - we invite you to join us and discover the joy of learning from Him directly.
Graham is a popular speaker around the world with a passion to empower the people of God to walk in their true identity. He is a consultant to numerous churches, organizations and businesses. He is a mentor and wise counselor to those transitioning toward a higher dimension of personal and corporate life in the Spirit.

Graham has been involved in apostolic teams since 1981 and has cultivated a wide range of expertise in transitional development, corporate reinvention, and personal redefinition. 
A Message From Graham
"After working in ministry for over 40 years, I've encountered the same theme over and over: Christians often struggle with hearing God's voice, and knowing their purpose in the Kingdom.

I believe there are people in the Kingdom of God who desire to be different, who want to be significant, and have the desire to turn the world upside down. 

But in order for you to become all that you can be in Jesus, you need a place where you can learn, grow, and thrive.

My team and I have created Brilliant TV to be the place where we can all experience Kingdom transformation together."
Graham is a popular speaker around the world with a passion to empower the people of God to walk in their true identity. He is a consultant to numerous churches, organizations and businesses. He is a mentor and wise counselor to those transitioning toward a higher dimension of personal and corporate life in the Spirit.

Graham has been involved in apostolic teams since 1981 and has cultivated a wide range of expertise in transitional development, corporate reinvention, and personal redefinition. 
A Message From Graham
"After working in ministry for over 40 years, I've encountered the same theme over and over: Christians often struggle with hearing God's voice, and knowing their purpose in the Kingdom.

I believe there are people in the Kingdom of God who desire to be different, who want to be significant, and have the desire to turn the world upside down. 

But in order for you to become all that you can be in Jesus, you need a place where you can learn, grow, and thrive.

My team and I have created Brilliant TV to be the place where we can all experience Kingdom transformation together."
It's time to let go off the exhausting ways of learning about God, and starting learning from Him. BrilliantTV is the catalyst to adding transformational moments to your daily life with God.

Choose lifetime membership or monthly pricing and start your BTV journey today.

"My paradigm is radically different"

"Brilliant TV offers in one location what took me 19 years to track down"

"Like a breathe of fresh air"

"I only planned to subscribe for a couple of months, but it has become a favorite place to to for wisdom, insight and encouragement"

'A generational blessing"

"An eternal investment i will never regret and one every person in my life is grateful for"
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