There's a timeless advantage those who walk with God have benefitted from for thousands of years...
but today this privilege has all but slipped from the language, lifestyle, and expectation of most believers...
Joseph, Daniel, Mary, Esther, and Nehemiah, all walked with God as a friend and learned to live in this way. They partnered with Him to change their families, communities, and worlds.
The astonishing truth is: In your new reality in Christ, you can do greater things than they did.
This reality is called the constant, continuous favor of God.
What You’ll Learn in This Challenge:
• Recognize God’s Favor: Understand how to see and appreciate God’s favor in your everyday life.
• Partner with the Holy Spirit: Learn to work closely with the Holy Spirit in all aspects of your life.
• Navigate Challenges: Discover how to find God’s favor even in difficult situations.